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Presidency University

11/A, Road 92, Gulshan, Dhaka 1212
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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Bangladesh is the seventh largest nation in the world with a population of about 130 million people. It has enormous potential for rapid development in the new world economy. The people of the country are ambitions, hard working, extremely conscious of democratic norms and the value of education, especially higher education. Given the opportunities to advance the young would jump to gain skills necessary in the new information economy.
The public university system in Bangladesh has a glorious history but a disturbed present and somewhat uncertain future. The public universities and colleges have become prisoners of violent student politics that threaten to undermine the very foundation in which these institutions are based. The politicization of institutions destroyed the core of these once thriving institutions. The solutions is not to be found in the near horizon. The importance of higher education to the economic future of the nation cannot be underestimated. So, if this generation is to be saved, alternatives must be provided.
Private universities are the immediate alternative. The Private University Act of 1992, has made possible, so far, the setting up of 50 private universities. This is not including the hundreds of private colleges, admittedly many with unsatisfactory academic performances, which have came into existence in the private sector.
Given the population projections and the examples of other nations in Asia which have richer and deeper experiences with the private universities, the private higher education institutions in Bangladesh have great potential.The Principal Sponsor of Presidency University is Mr. Muslehuddin Ahmad, a former Secretary and Ambassador of Bangladesh, who was also the sponsor and Founder President (VC) of North South University. Indeed it is he who first came out with the proposal to establish a private university in Bangladesh in 1988. On the basis of an article ? ?The Private University in Bangladesh ? an initial proposal? by Junaid K. Ahmad, which was published first in February 2, 1988 in Bidesh Bangla, a magazine published in California, USA. With his direct experience of over a decade to establish and run a private university, Mr. Muslehuddin Ahmad is aware of the opportunities and the difficulties. It is his mission to set up another university that can really be a center of Excellence and be the Model for others and hence the justification for another private university - Presidency University.Presidency University has been established with the aim of imparting high quality education through teaching and research. The emphasis will be on creating an institution dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, training, community services and thereby leading to character building at the grass-root level. One of the main objectives is to develop human resources capable of leading the nation and also of undertaking responsibilities for the socio-economic development of the country. The university shall also do everything possible to protect Bangladesh's social and cultural heritage and project the same everywhere.
Presidency University makes all efforts to keep education free of politics that generally, as has been the experience, leads to campus violence that seriously disturb the educational career of the students. While politics will be taught in the classes as a part of their course to make the young generation ready to take over the leadership of the nation, no active party politics would be allowed in the Campus. The students must concentrate in their studies undisturbed and leave the campus with a meaningful degree within the stipulated time.
Presidency University is continuously developing facilities to foster an environment where students are motivated by their studies and the expatriate Bangladeshi educationist or others are keen on pursuing a teaching career. We are proud to say that they find this institution encouraging enough to return to Bangladesh and pursue a career in the land which they belong to.
The University, above all, is committed to implementing in full the principle of equal opportunity to all and ensuring that all students and employees of the University receive benefits of a just and equitable system. The door of the University is always open to all students with distinctive academic qualifications and high educational and intellectual capabilities. There is no distinction or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, origin, social groupings, ages, etc. Keeping in view the unbearable burden of poverty in our country, this Institution is making all efforts to give financial support, as far as resources permit, to the financially disadvantaged but talented students. The University expects the government and the public to come forward

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