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Central Women’s College

13/2 Avoy Das Lane,
Tikatuly, Dhaka-1203,
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed
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Central women's college is a unique Girls' College in many respects. Its aim is to create a better nation by creating opportunities for the girls to be self-disciplined and better organized persons and future mothers. Because without a good mother it is not possible for our next generation to become good citizens. That is why along with the academic routine, special stress is given on teaching the students self-discipline, honesty, integrity, modesty, good-manners, open-mindedness by taking regular moral education and co-curricular classes so that they can properly guide and direct their posterity. At present there are around 2100 students, 76 teachers, 11 officers and 23 peons and ayas in the college. The tuition fees are HSC (humanities)200/-p.m, Science and Business studies 250/-p.m, Degree(pass) B.A and B.S.S. 260/-p.m, BBS 280/-p.m, and Honours (all subjects) 500/-p.m, For practical subjects 200/- per year and for Computer Studies 400/- per annum and 100/-p.m. The Faculties include Humanities, Business studies and Science in HSC. Honours courses are opened in four subjects-English, Political Science, Accounting and Management, Degree pass course in B.A, B.S.S and B.B.S are also going on.

Image Gellary
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